Starting from:


Vag Stretch Lab Session 002

Experience the Vag Stretch Lab from December 5, 2021 #FirstSundays with a 35 minute sequence including:

-positive and empowering affirmations for healing and confidence
-diaphragmatic breathing exercises

-core/pelvic floor strengthening
-self vaginal release techniques and 
-pelvic floor stretches

All movements are done with guidance and direction from Dr. Janelle Howell, a Doctor of Physical Therapy with specialty training in the pelvic floor muscle function. Grab some comfy clothes, a water bottle, and a mat to begin unleashing the tension that's no longer welcome.





**This is a non-refundable purchase meant to provide you with educational and lifestyle resources. This lab is not meant to prevent, treat, or cure any medical condition or serve as medical advice. Please consult your primary care provider for pressing or urgent medical concerns. Experience and participate in this lab at your own risk.**