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The Pelvic Floor S.P.A. Full Replay

If you find yourself with racing thoughts during sex, find it difficult to relax during sex, have a history of painful sex and struggle with feelings of fear and anxiety during intimacy, this one is for you!

The Pelvic floor S.P.A. is a 3 hour workshop that took place on Sunday, May 19th! The instructor is Dr. Janelle Howell, a pelvic floor physical therapist who specializes in treating chronic vaginismus & sexual pain. With this workshop, you'll learn the knowledge & hands on skills for:


1. Sexual mindfulness mastery

2. Practicing pelvic floor relaxation and

3. Abandoning fear of sex or fear of pain by calming your neuromuscular system 


Sexual confidence, deeper intimacy, and returning to fearless dating and love can be yours if you unlearn fear & limiting beliefs while practicing the habits that can help free you from pain and avoidance!


This workshops includes both lecture to teach you more about sexual anatomy, pelvic floor science, and how your brain/mind interacts with your pelvic floor but also lab portions where you practice movements, pelvic floor relaxation strategies, and tactics for calming fear and embracing a sexual mindfulness practice. 

A Q&A portion is included at the end! 

This workshop is for your educational purposes and does not function as medical advice. All purchases are final. Refunds will not be granted.