Starting from:


The Vagina CEO pHeel Good E-guide for recurrent infections & pH disturbances

What you can get from your medical provider is medication for an active infection, which is very necessary! While medical treatment is vital, what's typically lacking is the understanding or explanation as to some of the most common contributing factors to why infections and pH disturbances may be happening. While this guide is for SIMPLE and EASY changes to make to support your vaginal pH, it seeks to teach you exactly what your pH is, how your vagina creates it, threats to a healthy vaginal pH, researched backed probiotic strains, my recommended probiotic and prebiotic food sources, plus daily hygiene and lifestyle modifications to help you better support you vaginal pH!


Information is focused on understanding vaginal pH and supporting it with with your lifestyle so you can have clear understanding of the path necessary to pHeeling good again! This guide is 30 pages long, gives you the basics on vaginal pH, and focuses on practical things you can do at home that are safe and simple!


*This purchase is final. Please ensure you are confident with this investment in your vaginal health before finalizing this payment. The information found in this guide is educational and not medical advice for active infections. Please seek medical treatment if you believe you have a current infection of the urinary or reproductive tract."