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BREATHWORK & Bathing Suits Vag Stretch Lab for Diaphragmatic breathing mastery

OPT IN to spend a full hour exercising in ways that help you master diaphragmatic breathing for pelvic floor relaxation, pleasure, and anxiety relief! Diaphragmatic breathing is at the core of pelvic floor muscle function. Poor breathing mechanics and diaphragmatic restrictions can contribute to pelvic floor problems such as: tight pelvic floor muscles, urinary incontinence, sexual pain, and even constipation. By mastering diaphragmatic breathing, you'll get one step closer to nurturing a happy and healthy pelvic floor! If you struggle with relaxing your belly, getting a deep breath in, pelvic floor hypertonicity, or anxiety....then honey this one has your name on it! Snag it now to encourage your body to breathe better for your pelvic, sexual, and vaginal wellness!







Medical Disclaimer: This exercise class is designed to provide you with information and an opportunity to move your body. Nothing said or encouraged in this exercise class is medical advice nor pelvic floor physical therapy advice. Exercises are not meant to prevent, treat, or cure any medical condition.